Thursday, November 2, 2017

BIRD™: Belt Installation and Rotation Device

When you’re in charge of safety, you’re in charge of protecting people’s lives. Especially in highly volatile environments like oil drilling, mining, construction, and manufacturing. One small oversight could shut down your operation—and cost you millions in lost production, downtime, or even someone’s life. At Gates, we take safety seriously.

That is why Gates has introduced the BIRD™, the Belt Installation and Rotation Device, which is a switchable magnetic clamp equipped with permanent magnets and is designed for attachment (by hand) to metallic sheaves and sprockets.

The BIRD is a specially designed, tightly compacted device, which creates a magnetic field that develops an incredible attractive force on ferromagnetic materials.

And just as the BIRD is a tool for safety, Gates recommends practicing safety when using this device. The BIRD may only be used to rotate metallic sheaves and sprockets. Proper use includes adherence to the start-up, operating, environment, and maintenance conditions specified by Gates. The user bears sole responsibility for understanding this operating manual as well as for the proper use and maintenance of the BIRD.

Please contact Gates Product Application Support at 303-744-5800 or if you have any questions prior to using this device.

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