Tuesday, June 30, 2015

TuffCoat Plating on Hydraulic Fittings

TuffCoat plating sets the global standard in both corrosion resistance and environmental friendliness. Gates has removed all hexavalent chromium from its plating process. This metal, common in industrial plating, is toxic to the environment. Gates engineered TuffCoat plating to be stronger and more resistant to corrosion, without the toxicity of hexavalent chromium.

TuffCoat plating is standard on MegaCrimp and GlobalSpiral couplings and when tested under SAE J516 and ASTMB-117 salt-spray conditions, TuffCoat plating provided more than 500 hours of protection from red rust formation – almost 700 percent better than the 72-hour SAE standard. The Gates coupling with TuffCoat plating shows no red rust formation. White patches on couplings are salt residue, not corrosion. 

For any additional questions feel free to look through our other blog topics or contact us at fppasupport@gates.com or 303-744-5070.

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