Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Light Power & Precision Drive Design Manual

We are excited about the release of the newly updated Light Power & Precision Drive Design Manual dated January 2015.  This badly needed update includes drive selection data for newly released PowerGrip GT3 belts.  In addition, pulley dimensional tables and long length belting ratings were updated along with numerous additional items. 

The Light Power & Precision Drive Design Manual has always been focused on OEM designers needing detailed technical information about small pitch synchronous and Polyflex JB / Micro-V belt drive systems.  This manual contains extensive technical information useful for designing small belt drive systems including belt and sprocket/pulley dimensions and tolerances.  Many useful calculations are included for static belt tension, belt span tensions, center distance, teeth in mesh, arc of contact and much more.

Download a copy of this new manual from  For additional information, contact Product Application Engineering at or at 303-744-5800.

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