Monday, March 10, 2014

NAHBS 2014

This coming weekend is NAHBS 2014.  NAHBS stands for National American Handmade Bicycle Show.  This year the show is located in Charlotte, NC.  Gates is again a sponsor for this show, and this year we are doing something special.  This year Gates is hosting an E-bike Showcase.  An E-bike is an electric assist bicycle.  This is a bicycle with a battery and a motor, but is powered only to assist the rider - not to propel the rider without input such as a scooter or motorcycle.  This means that as long as you are putting power into the bicycle, you can expect some assistance from the battery and motor.  These bikes are great for people who are a little worried about getting somewhere on a bike.  Maybe that big hill is too daunting?  Maybe a bike full of groceries is too heavy to pedal home?  Maybe you'd like to ride to work, but you can't come in all sweaty?  All of these are great reasons to consider an E-bike.  They are becoming a more popular choice every year.

"Why is Gates involved, they don't make motors?"  This is correct, we don't.  However, E-bikes make things simple for the rider, and so does Gates Carbon Drive.  Our belt drive solution to bicycling makes riding cleaner, with less maintenance, which is a great combination with a bike that helps you get where you need to go without thinking about it.  It just works, and it lasts longer with less work from the rider.

So if you're in the Charlotte area this weekend, come check out NAHBS 2014 and our fantastic E-bike showcase.  Not in the area?  You can keep up with the show on our Carbon Drive Blog at:

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