Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Part Numbers for Poly Chain® GT® and PowerGrip® GT®2 Belts

The part numbers for Poly Chain® GT® and PowerGrip® GT®2 belts are very similar, which can sometimes lead to mix-ups. Here is an example to explain the subtle difference:

The Poly Chain part number 8MGT-640-12 identifies:
1-pitch (8 mm)
2-belt length (640 mm)
3-belt width (12 mm)

The PowerGrip part number 640-8MGT-12 identifies:
1-belt length (640 mm)
2-pitch (8 mm)
3-belt width (12 mm)

The two part numbers indicate the same belt dimensions. However, the Poly Chain part number will start with the pitch first and the PowerGrip part number will start with the length.